
Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Completely original Valentine idea

So, you know how you have those great ideas, the ones that you are so proud of yourself for thinking up? ...only to look on pinterest and see that your creativity is the tortoise to pinterest's hare? Yeah, it blows. 

Well, this week I told pinterest to Suck It! I had an original idea. I even googled it and found nothing. Ahhh, sweet success. 

Ok, enough about my issues with Pinterest. Onto my very (ok, fairly) creative valentine card idea. I have to preface this by saying that I love doing photo Valentines for the girls.  It saves me harping at them for a week ahead of time and begging them to write their names onto 25+ cards. Everyone knows who their valentine is from when it's a picture of your child. Lazy parenting for the win!

Have I lost you yet with all of these words? Well, here is this years Valentine: 

I love it! 

I started with simple "thinking/ wonder" poses of the girls.
Then I used Picmonkey to edit the photo and add simple text. Simply attach a Twinkie to the back and there you have it!

Happy Valentine's Day from Livvy Loo!

If you use this idea just please credit back to the source:)