
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The unthinkable:)

I did it. I bought Charlotte a costume this year. In the middle of making 30 plus costumes and Charlotte wanting to be a peacock I just bit the costume bullet and bought her one. For the first time in her now 5 Halloweens she hasn't been wishy washy about what she wanted to be and I love that.

It started in late July when we received the Wishcraft costume catalog in the mail. Charlotte loved this catalog and never strayed over her love of the peacock costume. She wanted to read this before bed in leui of her bedtime favorites.
Here is the catalog as I found it in her bed.

She drew a picture of herself in the costume and hung it on her bedroom wall in hopes that the Halloween fairy would bring it to her.
Hand drawn by Charlotte.
 When I saw how in love she was and how I wouldn't know where to start to make this I knew I had to buy it. Luckily I found it via a Craigslist New York:). The seller was kind and trusting enough to ship to me. Here she is loving it.

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